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Experience the Creative Mind

Inside the Creative Mind

Follow me on my own personal journey of my own creative proces. Documenting the creation and preparation for Peace 'n Jam's newest adventure, 'Inside the Creative Mind'

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  • Writer's pictureJessica Marek

Be Spontaneous

Today I went along to Question Sessions "Getting Ahead in the Music Industry" Conference. It had some really interesting panels and workshops and seminars.

I went to a few, including: 'Promoting your music successfully' with One Little Indian - head of press: Karie Malcomson. I learned a few interesting things I hadn’t thought about when trying to promote to journalists and to help get music and tracks noticed better and how to pitch an email properly.

'Legal issues resolved' with Ann Harrison. She had a Q&A session which i found to be very interesting, I was able to ask about how I would go about starting up my own independent events company and what process or career paths it could lead me as well as any legal issues I could face.

'Promoting your event' panel with Jack Arts - Suzie Blake, L-Space, Lunacy Module, Sector Events - David Boon & Martin Langer, Stereo and Push it Promotions - Cat Reilly

I was looking forward to this panel especially since I am currently promoting an event. I got to hear some good advice and tips that I will put it o use over the next month. One thing did stick in my mind after the panel, they talked about how important graphics and posters are. One of the panellists talked about a poster they did on fluorescent paper which definitely stood out! Also, how important standing out needs to be, there are so many posters for so many gigs that it means it is easy to get drowned out.

I had already wondered about my current poster designs and graphics and I wasn’t totally happy with them to begin with.

So, I walked off home brainstorming, I was inspired by the fluorescent paper idea and I was thinking "something bright". So, I wanted neon pink with big white lettering "INSIDE THE CREATIVE MIND" and then at the bottom an artist’s eyes going insane and their head dissolving into the fluorescent pink.

Unfortunately, I don't quite possess the ability to create something like this. Me and my friend tried a few confusing sketches but not much sprung to life.

But we were playing ideas and I said it would be funny to go super minimalist and a little abstract and just do an unrelated barcode with the name underneath instead of numbers.

I thought it was funny to make a mock one anyway, and funnily enough I liked the actual look of it and decided why not, that's my new poster.

I had been struggling to come up with a design that I was happy with for a while. So to have a quick idea and have a finished product in ten minutes really shows you what you can do when you put your mind to it.

I think that being spontaneous is part of my creative process, I can sit around for months and mull something over and never get anything done. But when inspiration sparks I can't stop myself. I can't think of anything else until I've tried out a new idea. It's that creative itch that needs a scratch.

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